Rock Painting

Saturday, May 6, 10:30 am Riverside Park near the playground. | Rock painting is a simple pleasure everyone can enjoy. Whether you create an elaborate landscape or put a few polka dots on a rock, it become a charming piece of art. Kids and adults paint together. We schedule sessions about once per month. The next one is Saturday, May 6 at Riverside Park near the playground. If you fill out this form, we'll keep you posted about changes for weather and let you know when we plan to paint again!


Saturday, May 6, 10:30 am Riverside Park near the playground.
Rock painting is a simple pleasure everyone can enjoy. Whether you create an elaborate landscape or put a few polka dots on a rock, it become a charming piece of art. Kids and adults paint together. We schedule sessions about once per month. The next one is Saturday, May 6 at Riverside Park near the playground. If you fill out this form, we'll keep you posted about changes for weather and let you know when we plan to paint again!